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Who invented Budweiser beer?

Budweiser was founded by Adolphus Busch in the United States after an attempt to develop a "Bohemian-styled" beer after a trip to Bohemia. The first brewery was established in St. Louis, where the headquarters remains to this day. 2. Bud Light Bud Light is a light beer offering from Anheuser-Busch.

Who makes Anheuser-Busch Beer?

Anheuser-Busch is a global brewing giant that produces more than 100 popular beer brands. Anheuser-Bush is part of the massive AB InBev group, which owns breweries throughout the world. From Bud Light to Natural Ice, or Stella Artois to St Pauli Girl, chances are the beer you enjoy is an Anheuser-Busch product.

What type of beer is Budweiser?

Budweiser is a 5.0% ABV Adjunct pale lager introduced in 1876 by Adolphus Busch and has become one of the best selling beers in the United States. It is made with up to 30% rice in addition to hops and barley malt. Budweiser is produced in breweries around the United States and the world.

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